Food Travel: Colombia Day 3. Salmon on the Beach.

Food Travel: Colombia Day 3. Salmon on the Beach.

January 18, 2023
Chefie Jay

Chefie Jay

Food Lover

 Living life trying new foods from around the world, and learning to cook them.

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On my third day in Cartagena we (with my local cousins) headed over to the beach area, known as Playa De Bocagrande, Bocagrande for short. There was one restaurant I was really excited to try their food and it was at Kiosco El Bony, literally on the beach front. Now my Spanish is poor in comparison to a native and reading/writing is almost non-existent, so I got something I was familiar with for now to play it safe, the Salmon dish.


Watch me eat this on YouTube!

The salmon dish included perfect coconut rice, 2 fried plantains, and a side salad. The salmon was well cooked but my personal preference is crispy skin, but I understand it’s not an expected type of cook for all salmon. Overall it was a 4 out of 5, very well balanced too.

I roamed around the beach, popped into the ocean for a little while. But to fast forward to trying out the Pina Colada at the same spot too. It was good for the price. The drink was very light, minimal alcohol, maybe 1 shot, and very milky with some coconut taste to it.

Then we headed over back to the busy parts of Centro since it was dark already, explored a little looking for a specific restaurant I also wanted to try out but they were closed oddly over the weekend. I opted to go to a sushi spot and try out my usual favorite sushi, Philadelphia roll. I wanted to compare the difference from where I usually get my sushi to Colombia’s sushi. For me it was a little more bland than what I’m used to, and the presentation was different than usual.

Watch me eat this!

December 3rd 2022

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